Turkish Angora Advocacy
My Past Work to Promote Turkish Angoras in the Community
Turkish Angora Breed Committee
I applied for and submitted my application to be a member of the TICA Turkish angora breed committee back in 2017. I am very grateful to all of the Turkish angora group members who voted for me to be a part of the breed committee for two terms (2017 to present). I try my best to shine a positive light on the Turkish angora breed to the entire community. I was honored to work on updating the TICA Turkish angora illustrated breed standard with current photographs of the many beautiful cats that fellow preservationists gave me permission to use in the presentation.
TICA Illustrated Turkish Angora Standard
Turkish Angora Breed Booth
In 2019 I worked diligently to create a breed booth for the Turkish angora breed group. I wanted something that we could utilize every year at TICA annuals to promote our breed to both exhibitors, vendors and spectators. The Turkish angora breed booth made its debut at the 2019 TICA Annual in Las Vegas, Nevada! A sincere thank you to all of the Turkish angora exhibitors who attended the show. They received the large box of breed booth materials, unpacked it and set up the breed booth and educated the public about the Turkish angora during the entire weekend!
“Your work is to discover your work and then, with all your heart, to give yourself to it.”